Felix Stalder via nettime-l on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 13:32:36 +0100 (CET)
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Re: <nettime> At Doge, AI faith has fully fused with Christian Nationalism
- To: nettime-l@lists.nettime.org
- Subject: Re: <nettime> At Doge, AI faith has fully fused with Christian Nationalism
- From: Felix Stalder via nettime-l <nettime-l@lists.nettime.org>
- Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2025 13:32:08 +0100
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On 3/22/25 20:39, Brian Holmes via nettime-l wrote:
JDV does not (yet) say AI is God.
On 3/23/25 06:28, Louis Rawlins via nettime-l wrote:
Brian, totally with you on "not-yet-fused" but I'd say it's the
power of what people are being convinced of that matters.
Propaganda. Agit-prop. We're deep in that phase now.
I don't think this is Agitprop. Yes, there are the entertainers, like
Trump and Musk, the incompetent loyalists at the top of many federal
institutions, but this feeds well into a coordinated effort to dismantle
the federal government. Bannon called for a long time for the
destruction of the "administrative state". People are getting fired, and
the rest demoralized.
Then, of course, it depends on what fully-fused means. I think on the
ground, as a coalition of dismantlement, the difference is pretty
minimal. They seem quite united in the face of a common enemy, which
Adam Tooze recently identified as the "professional managerial class",
who not only provided the core of the Democratic Party, but also the
expertise within liberal institutions. From this perspective, the twin
attacks on federal institutions and universities makes a lot of sense.
There are also a lot of ideological, or at least vibey, connections
between right-wing tech-culture and Christian nationalism, ranging from
nativism/family values, incel/patriarchy, sea-steadying/self-sufficient
religious communities, social automation/authoritarianism, to
singularity/rupture. The list could probably go on and would need to
include white supremacy prominently.
There is a long argument about much of advanced technology being a form
of secular religion -- like when people asked astronauts if they had
seen god, or when tech-bros speak immortality through "hacking death".
And even if people like JDV do not call AI good, the only cultural model
we have for AGI is, well, god.
So, in terms of forming an agent capable of coherent destructive action,
I think these two forces are pretty well-aligned.
Whether they are fused enough to agree on a vision of re-construction, I
doubt, but perhaps this is not necessary, at least in the short- to
media term. You can already see how different groups are getting their
agendas satisfied in ways that seem to give each what they want (say,
access to military budgets), while not being too much bothered by what
the other gets (say, destruction of the Department of Education). Plus a
hefty dose of symbolic cruelty for rest, say, destruction of USAID and
deportation to El Salvador (these are, of course, not symbolic for the
people affected, on the contrary, but for the people perpetrating it, in
the sense that they are not affected by the consequences).
If that enough in the longer perspective, I doubt, but we don't know.
The carcass of the American state is large enough to have a lot of red
meat to keep the coalition together, and the filter bubbles are closed
enough to explain away when the inevitable negative consequences reach
the base, as you can already see with the outbreak of infectious
diseases due to low rates of vaccinations.
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