Victoria Art Center on Thu, 5 Dec 2013 20:07:34 +0100 (CET) |
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[Nettime-ro] Vernisaj Fekete Zsolt, MOMENTE RELUATE la Victoria Art Center |
MOMENTE RELUATE Fekete Zsolt 11 decembrie 2013-24 ianuarie 2014 Vernisaj: Miercuri, 11 decembrie 2013, ora 19.00 Victoria Art Center, Calea Victoriei 12C Zsolt reitereazÄ dupÄ un secol Åi jumÄtate fotografii Ãn care OrbÃn BalÃzs (etnograf Èi scriitor) Åi Veress Ferenc (inventator Èi fotograf) au imortalizat obiective arhitectonice Åi geografice ale Transilvaniei secolului al XIX-lea, iar imaginile prelucrate digital sunt juxtapuse celor vechi. ExpoziÅia evocÄ imaginea Transilvaniei de acum 150 de ani, Ãn paralel cu cea de astÄzi. Ãn acest tip de alÄturare, trecerea timpului nu se manifestÄ mereu prin decadenÈÄ. Ãn unele peisaje, timpul pare oprit, suspendat, iar imobilitatea imagisticÄ ÅocheazÄ. Ãn altele, timpul reconstruieÅte. ExperienÅa cÄlÄtoriei Ãn timp devine completÄ graÈie fotografiilor Åi tipÄriturilor originale.<><><> REPEATED MOMENTS Fekete Zsolt December 11 2013-January 24 2014 Opening: Wednesday, 11th of December 2013, 7 pm. Victoria Art Center, Calea Victoriei 12C Fekete Zsolt revisits old photographs taken a century and a half ago by two men, OrbÃn BalÃzs (ethnographer and writer) and Veress Ferenc (inventor and photographer). The old images of Transylvaniaâs 19th century architecture and landscapes are superimposed by Feketeâs contemporary digital prints. The exhibition evokes the image of Transylvania comparing its look 150 years ago to its appearance of today. But this conjunction does not always reflect the idea of decadence. In certain photographs, the flow of time seems suspended, thus leaving the image in a disturbing immobility. In others, the time seems to build up a different reality. The experience of travelling in time becomes authentic as the exhibition shows the original prints.<><><> -- VICTORIA ART Center for Contemporary Cultural Production _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list --> arhiva: