Geert Lovink on Mon, 25 Nov 96 08:48 MET |
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nettime: Radio 101-HDZ 1:0 |
Sender: We Shall Never Surrender On November 21, a year to the day after the end of the Bosnian war, and the day after the Croatian Telecommunications Council tried to shut down Radio 101, while Croatian president was still recovering from a cancer treatment in an American military hospital, American Condor unloaded 45 tanks, 80 armored personnel carriers, 15 utility helicopters, 45000 rifles, ammo, 5000 pieces of communications gear in Croatian port Ploce. This shipment would go as scheduled, since Muslim defense minister of Bosnia (whom Washington accused of ties to Iran) was removed two days earlier. And Croatian president would continue to receive VIP treatment in the U.S. even if Croatian government did not back-pedal on its decision to revoke Radio 101's broadcasting license, bowing to the pressure of its own citizenry. Croatia, after all, is an ally. Bolje Rat Nego Pakt (War is better than agreement - an old partisan saying) Received weapons made Bosnian three presidents purr and obediently sign the agreement in Paris adopting a peace plan. Which peace plan? Don't ask me. One of many. With all those weapons it sure wouldn't last long past the departure of IFOR from Bosnia. But it is adopted. That makes Clinton shine again (after not so much domestically cheered decision to extend stay of American forces in Bosnia). Bolje Grob Nego Rob (It is better to die than to be a slave - another old partisan saying) My friends sent me a note from Zagreb saying that the Museum Mimara (the largest Croatian art museum) had sent its letter of support to Radio 101, too. Museum had put a p.s. note at the end of the letter: "We even forgive you that you stole our vase." Wow, this was long due. Yet, rare a listener understood the reference, and just a handful of producers got the joke from the early glorious days of 101. Zrinka Vrabec certainly got it. After all, she was the one who anchored the show about the stolen vase in May 1985. Actually, she anchored it together with Hloverka Novak, who is today the editor-in-chief of state controlled Croatian Television (HTV). Sadly, in those recent days Hloverka was not heard voicing her support to the radio station that made her, nor comforting her former colleague (Zrinka) who is now editor-in-chief of Radio 101 and whose mother works for Hloverka as a producer on HTV. I produced that show about the vase. I stole the vase, too. Me and my friend Davor got very bored one afternoon and went to that museum. Communists boasted how this was the best secured museum in whole Yugoslavia at the time. But we found that it was quite easy to take a thing or two out, and we did it. We returned the item back to the museum the next day and we made a joke for radio out of it, pretty much what Buzzkill is doing on MTV (only we did it ten years earlier in a country behind the iron curtain). Luckily we were not imprisoned (although police called us for interrogation whenever some bigger robbery happened). The weird thing is that whenever this museum story' appears somewhere (and it does from time to time in the press or in Radio 101 anniversaries) people in Zagreb remember me - as if I didn't do many more important radio shows: like nuclear power plants or cement factory, or Plomin power plant or Slovenian peace movement and conscientious objection, or interview with Garry Adams in 1986, or discussions about Yugoslav military-industrial machine - nope, all I am remembered as is as a guy who stole that damned vase'. Ja sam mali, pa sam vrijedan I slusam Radio 101 (I am little and I am busy and I listen to Radio 101 - one of the oldest Radio 101 jingles). It is important to note that Radio 101 was the only media in Croatian part of then Yugoslavia who had the story for about a year (then Vecernji List published a short note). However, Belgrade magazine NIN gave me a centerfold in their Labor Day (which was on May 1st in Yugoslavia) issue for the story. Why is that important? Mimara Museum was established by a Mimara, a guy who worked with allies after WW II sorting the artwork that Nazis stole from various homes and places during the war. In the process of sorting, Mimara sorted' out quite an impressive private collection for himself. However, he didn't want Yugo-communists to have the fruits of his hard labor. Instead, he kept the collection in Vienna. When he became old and sick his tightwad heart kind of opened a little so he said that he'd will his collection over to the city of Zagreb providing that government guarantees for safety. That's how Museum Mimara was built. The old grumpy lad was never quite impressed by the security of the museum, though, and constantly threatened to take his toys back to Austria. A fact that something was stolen would mean the end of Museum Mimara, if he just knew what happened. But he never learned. He lived three more years after the vase' - and all the time he was surrounded by the security detail keeping good care that he never be told the truth. That's why Croatian media kept hush. Also, that's why Serbian media put it on the centerfold. It was 1985, and the war just started. Tanks were still parked in the barracks, but for intelligence services, journalists and corporate directors it was all out war already. Whatever would make Croatian economy suffer, was welcomed in Serbia and vice versa. Instead of working together to make the whole country better, Republics started bitterly putting each other down in a bid for ultimate power between their inept but power-hungry leadership. At age of 21 this sounded so strange and ultimately illogical to me that I chose not to believe that. Ten years later I still have troubles understanding this ugly undertone of human nature: the insatiable ambition among some to be the One. The wars of the Yugoslav succession - the wars about who would become the Tito in place of Tito - that started then, are still far from over. Krezubi Trozubac - Spikeless Trident, a weekly political talk show in 1986,7,8,9 which featured a link between alternative rock stations in Ljubljana, Zagreb and Beograd (Hloverka Novak was an anchor, I was one of co-producers) The fact that so suddenly everybody supports Radio 101 and that a decision that otherwise wouldn't be taken as political is now understood as an intentional political attack, means just that Croats, particularly those 1/4 of Croat population that lives in Zagreb are sick and tired of Tudjman and his autocratic rule. Tudjman, who was once a chairman of the board of the Belgrade soccer club Partisan, when he became Croatian president he changed the name to Zagreb soccer club from Dinamo to Croatia, defending the decision as if Dinamo sounds "too communist". Nonsense number one. Since last Fall Zagreb is a city without a mayor - because citizens in free elections continue to elect opposition candidates and Tudjman refuses to has his capital run by an opposition mayor. Democracy sucks. Now they will let people to buy their own apartments (for Deutsche-Marks, of course) or move out, but they'll reimburse former owners with state bonds. That's exactly what Communists did after the WW II (with that distinction that Commies were content with taking dinars). Those former owners are now going to be proud holders of two sets of worthless bonds in return for their real-estate, while the general population will be more poor, and the window shopping crowd in Zagreb would substantially increase in numbers. And on top of that they want to shut down Radio 101? The only radio that plays rock music? The only radio that give you the uncensored news? The only radio that TELLS JOKES? The only fun left in increasingly bleak Croatian landscape of disabled war veterans and crazed out refugees who lost their homes and loved ones in contrast to $15 long drinks in posh night clubs for half-literate mafia dons who made fortunes by selling bullets to one, two or all three sides during this war, where alliances shifted from morning to afternoon, and loyalty was suffering a high inflation rate. What would be next? Banning water? No Passaran. Meanwhile, U.N. mandate in Eastern Slavonia would be extended six more months from January. Good? Bad? Irrelevant. Obviously, Croat refugees are not going to move back in, while their military forces are not there yet. And Serb refugees are not going to leave and move back to their homes in Krajina until they feel safe to do so. So far, despite Croatian government guarantees, they are harassed and sometimes beaten or even killed by locals if they come back. Until they move out from Eastern Slavonia, however, Croat refugees can't move back in there without using force, and therefore the U.N. forces, because Britain and France do not want to allow another Oluja', will not leave the area. This situation can last nearly indefinitely. And Serbs got the better deal since the land in Eastern Slavonia is more valuable than the land in Krajina. So, Croatian refugees are kind of fucked, and they are beginning to realize that, and I don't expect them to like it. Sometimes in future maybe some of them organize an agency to escort and protect Serbs from Eastern Slavonia to their homes in Krajina in return for those Serbs giving back the houses and land to their Croatian owners. Government doesn't seem to be terribly interested, so I guess citizens would have to do it on their own. This however does not require violence - it is a simple land for security swap, and everybody gets what is his back. It was enough burning houses, it is time to build some. Cisti Eter (Pure Ether) - a kind of dark talk show which lasted to long in night in eighties; the producer ended up being secretary of Transnational Radical Party in Croatia Happenings in Croatia were mirrored in Serbia, where Milosevic (not unlike Tudjman) did not want to accept opposition victories on local level - notably in the city of Nis, where tanks were send to quell demonstration in support of winning opposition candidate. Yet Serbia is a bad guy, so we kind of expect such a behavior. It is however soothing to see that both Tudjman and Milosevic are slowly loosing their grip on power. The only unfortunate detail is that Milosevic may live still long years to come. But, as I said - the wars of the Yugoslav succession are still far from over. Parliament Show - listeners ask a question and 101 journalists go out to investigate, the following week they have an answer; nobody can hide from Parliament Show, Ivic-Paslic better seek asylum in the U.S. Also interesting is that Zagreb Stock Exchange didn't have any disturbing crashes due to either Tudjman's health, or Radio 101 case - telling probably that ZSE is not an important indicator of what's going on in Croatia, not nearly as important as NYSE is for the U.S. Interwencija 85 - (intervention 85) the Buzzkill of 101, a situationist project which made 101 a household name; of course - we had read a Constitution in a streetcar accompanied by saxophone and demonstrated with banners with no text (holding silent speeches, too). BTW, I was banned from Radio 101 in February 1986, when 101's chief editors bowed to the pressure of Party and Police State after my coverage of student protests on Zagreb campus in January and February that year. Regardless of the ban I continued to write and produce shows for quite some time after that, and my friends would give me credit in some funny way not mentioning but hinting to my name. The Communist Party installed chief editors didn't have much sway over people - they couldn't even order a doorman not to let me in. Radio 101 was filled by young people and almost nobody was fully employed. So, the job security was never an issue and the fear of loosing a livelihood never really played a role, and police had less leverage to blackmail producers. Finally, the last editor-in-chief in communist era (who, most interestingly, now works on human rights issues and sometimes even writes for Arkzin) decided to lock himself in his room whenever I came to the radio, so he can tell his bosses that he didn't see me in case they asked. Gradually, however, I stopped contributing, because I couldn't get paid (a pretty good reason, I believe). Gostiona - (A Pub - but also a wordplay gost-I-ona: guest-and-her) a guest and her show; her was Zeljka Ogresta (PS - she always wanted to be a star so much). After HDZ grabbed power from Communists, they also thought they will run Radio 101 in the same manner and they promptly installed their man in a position of editor-in-chief (a guy whom I remember telling me how good would I look if I just dress in suit and tie; he and his protege were known as a Copo & Glibo duet), but he died of a sudden death - and he was younger than me (I always tried to tell him that suit and tie shorten a man's life but he wouldn't listen to a freak). Before HDZ managed to install a new man, Radio 101 reorganized and accordingly to new free market rules assumed control over their work. HDZ, caught sleeping, since then tries to regain control over the radio station with a carrot and stick method: various goons offered to buy station while the indecision about the license was consistently kept pending over 101's head. Since it didn't work, HDZ reasoned to take the license away from Radio 101 and give it to somebody else, somebody who would more readily dance to HDZ favorite music. Besides, Radio 101 is owned 25% by Zagreb City Council - which is entrenched in a bitter battle with National HDZ ever since Tudjman's refusal to accept any of the elected opposition candidates for mayor of Zagreb. HDZ reasoned that by shutting down 101, Zagreb City Council would loose an important outlet. This is the same reason why HDZ fiercely attacks Novi List in Istra and Feral Tribune in Split. HDZ, in a good old tradition of Communist Party, does not want media - it wants bulletins that would write down brilliant thoughts of HDZ leaders, like Seks, who gets particularly enlightened after the fourth Jack Daniels. Aktualni 101 - Actual 101 - NEWS - but not just any news: sound bites interrupted with music and jingles: news for a generation with no attention span (MTV should be sent there for a seminar). Contrary to sometimes successful propaganda, Croatia didn't change that much. For example, one of those policemen whom I'd always seen around (when they seized my passport, when they searched my apartment without a search warrant, when they interrogated me for more than 8 hours, when they kept me detained without an explanation, when they took away my typewriter...) is now Tudjman's chief of military police. I have to give him some credit - he did seem to be a degree smarter than the rest of them. Also, he smoked a pipe and dressed in plaid suits to look like Sherlock (I always had to suppress laughter when I saw him). When police arrested my roommate at his friends house in Rovinj (Istria) on January 1, 1985, I was interrogated by detective Lausic: my roommate, Goran, was apparently arrested in some case which combined drugs and nationalism - police found some hashish and a Croatian flag on the wall. In those times a Croatian flag on the wall carried a longer sentence than a gram of hashish: my roommate served just a year for hashish, while his friend was kept for three years in the notorious Goli Otok (Naked Island) prison of Croatian coast for the fucking flag. I managed to convince detective Lausic that my roommate was not into checkerboards' (police jargon for Croatian coat of arms which looks like a checkerboard). I even said that I thought Goran was a Serb. Sherlock Holmes nodded in approval putting his pipe back in his mouth. Frigidna Uticnica (Frigid Plug) - one of the earliest shows, which was aired in the experimental period early in 1984, featuring such cultural varieties like an out-of-the-closet gay co-producer/co-anchor; the first such show ever behind the iron curtain (no wonder that Tudjman doesn't like 101, Jesse Helms wouldn't like it either). After being treated two weeks for indigestion in a top U.S. military hospital, Franjo Tudjman, returned to Croatia, where he was greeted by about half a dozen citizens (including defense and interior ministers) gathered in front of Zagreb airport. "We don't want democracy. We want Croatia," one of their banners said. Tudjman, reportedly, promised to deliver. As I earlier said - the wars of the Yugoslav succession are still far from over. Only, now everybody will have more weapons. So, it would be more fun to watch. Mirko! Pazi, metak!... ssssswiss ...Hvala, Slavko. - another early jingle: "Mirko! Watch for a bullet! [bullet passes] ...Thanks, Slavko." - Mirko and Slavko were comic book characters depicting imaginary teenage Partisan heroes, they were able to avoid Nazi bullets pretty much like Luke Skywalker and Han Solo were able to avoid Dark Empire's lasers. Ah, but however, a bullet has here a lot of different meanings. Keep guessing. With sincere sympathies, cordially yours, Ivica Skoric PS So far it is 1:0 for 101 in a 101 vs. HDZ fight, and 101 won by TKO in first round after just two days, but a rematch is expected, so keep tuned - go to (the same page with the latest updates is available on and link from there to Radio 101 support pages around the world. -- * distributed via nettime-l : no commercial use without permission * <nettime> is a closed moderated mailinglist for net criticism, * collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets * more info: and "info nettime" in the msg body * URL: contact: