Andreas Broeckmann on Thu, 25 Apr 96 18:03 MDT

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nettime: property and territory

Hi, some off-the-cuff questions that were raised in discussions about an
age in which not the channels but the content is becoming scarce, and in
which content providers should make sure that they get paid properly if
money is changing hands. Are we going to get paid in some form of digital
currency? What does it buy?

How are we going to deal with the question of intellectual property when
the exchange medium goes from anarchy to capitalism? This is interesting
both in terms of our personal economics, and in terms of the theoretical
impact: the free-floating multiple-identity kids remember the numbers of
their bank accounts and request payment for their work on the interior
decoration of a public space in a MOO. On the level of the institutions the
question translates as: will we only sponsor work that is sitting on our
own server?

How do we deal with this problem of property and territoriality, both of
which are important dimensions in the bourgeois social economy and probably
still formative for a lot of our self-conceptions?


V2_Organisatie * Andreas Broeckmann *
Eendrachtsstr.10 * NL-3012XL Rotterdam * t.+31.10.4046427 * fx.4128562
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