GM - tedbyfield via nettime-l on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 14:38:30 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> At Doge, AI faith has fully fused with Christian Nationalism

On 26 Mar 2025, at 5:18, David Garcia via nettime-l wrote:

>> Thiel, I can't help you with. He is crafty. It's hard to know what he really thinks about CN. He may well be a cynic playing what he can. Notice he does not come out as Catholic or Evangelical. My speculation is he is playing the field until he has a better idea of who will come out on top. His protege, VP JD Vance has bet Catholic in recent years.
> Presumably Thiel’s CN/Maga credentials must be tarnished by being unapologetically gay? Or as Don of the Paypal mafia does he get a free pass?

If there’s one word pretty much no one ever would use to describe Thiel’s gayness, it’s “unapologetic.”

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