Andreas Broeckmann via nettime-l on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 08:20:37 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> new publication, "The Making of Les Immatériaux"


it's exactly 40 years ago that the exhibition "Les Immatériaux" opened its doors to the public, on 28 March 1985.

On this occasion, I take the liberty to advertise the publication of my new book, "The Making of Les Immatériaux," which provides a comprehensive account of the preparations of Les Immatériaux, detailing how the exhibition emerged from collaborations in such diverse fields as contemporary art, architecture, science, and network media.

Andreas Broeckmann: The Making of Les Immatériaux.
Lüneburg: Meson Press, 2025

The book is available as an open-access PDF, and in a hardcover print version. (Please, feel free to send me any feedback, and to recommend the acquisition of the printed book to your favourite institutional library.)

Best regards,


PS: Also available now is a full and illustrated description of the original exhibition:

Andreas Broeckmann, Antonia Wunderlich: Description of Les Immatériaux. Les Immatériaux Research, Working Paper No. 12, 2025.
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