Brett Scott via nettime-l on Mon, 27 May 2024 10:00:05 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> The Three-Faced Interface: The evolution of corporate personhood in the age of AI

Dear Nettimers,

Amidst the moral panic around pronouns in the culture wars, corporations have pulled off a silent coup in their own pronoun set. The personal pronoun 'I' has started to be pasted over their datacentre operations, ported into our world via AI chatbot systems. The possessive pronoun 'My' gets pasted over their digital storefronts (/my lists, my favourites, my Google etc)/. In this piece, I explore the co-evolution of corporate personhood and corporate interfaces. The 'personification' of corporate interfaces is an attempt to cloak a /legal person /in the image of a natural person. Not only are we seeing a shift from 'we' to 'I', and from 'our' to 'your', but this shift runs in parallel with the rise into public consciousness of the literal image of the faces of tech barons, something seen in no other industry (except, to some extent, finance)


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