christine treguier via Nettime-tmp on Tue, 1 Aug 2023 16:23:11 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> Imagine

Thanks for that challenge  david. Not easy indeed and politically so
interesting. A way to un-knitt, or re-knitt what has been mistakingnly


Le 01/08/2023 à 11:20, David Garcia via Nettime-tmp a écrit :
> Science fiction is by no means always about the future it can also
> start by imagining an alternative past or present but with a single key
> counterfactual that changes everything. So taking this as a starting
> point let's suppose the internet had never been invented (or otherwise
> come into being). In this scenario the computer is still there, mobile
> telephony is still there, just not the internet. There are those who
> might argue that such a proposition is itself technologically
> illiterate as the internet follows as inevitably as night follows day
> from the existence and proximity of telephony and computers. So the
> marriage is inevitable as is the progeny. To which I reply; of course
> but that is the author’s challenge, to imagine a plausible set of
> circumstantial obstacles, social, political, technical or military. How
> might it have happened and how would the world look? what would have
> changed? The exercise is in some sense a war against amnesia as even
> those of us born before the age of mass computing would struggle to
> remember what life was like before the internet.
> David Garcia
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