Matthew Fuller via Nettime-tmp on Fri, 21 Jul 2023 16:05:43 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> computational culture

a new issue of 'Computational Culture, a journal of software studies' has just been published.


Editorial, issue nine


Paolo Cardullo, Ramon Ribera-Fumaz, and Paco González Gil, The Decidim ‘soft infrastructure’: democratic platforms and technological autonomy in Barcelona

Linda Hilfling Rittasdatter, Spaces of Flaws of Flows: COBOL and the back-back-ends of development

Nicole Sansone, Days Without Clouds: Realism, Images, and Target Classifiers at Google Earth Engine

Dominik Schindler and Matthew Fuller, Community as a Vague Operator: Epistemological Questions for a Critical Heuristics of Community Detection Algorithms


Wendy Hui Kyong Chun, Winnie Soon, Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Jichen Zhu, Software Studies, Revisited, a Roundtable on the Software Studies Series at MIT Press

Greg Elmer, From the First to the Zero Person Perspective: Neutering the Mediated Life of Affinity


Felix Stalder, Truth According to Informational Capital, review of Justin Joque, Revolutionary Mathematics: Artificial Intelligence, Statistics and the Logic of Capitalism

Alan Diaz, Synthesizing Reliable Circuits From Unreliable Actors, review of Seb Franklin, The Digitally Disposed

Neda Genova, review of Critical Meme Reader

Warren Sack, Object Lessons, review of Jacob Gaboury, Image Objects: An Archaeology of Computer Graphics

Warren Sack, A Matter of Interpretation: review of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (_javascript_ Edition)

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