A. G-C on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 19:38:35 +0200 (CEST) |
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Re: <nettime> nettime as idea |
Sorry of my very special notorious Francophone Anglophone;-) but if we can speak in French on Empyre from time to time, here it is not possible in spite of one aspect of the information on nettime-list in the homepage nettime.org. I can't speak on the "net(...)" for the most of "(...)time" and specially since more of a year (can be two years). But of the prime history of nettime-l by knowledge I can see how and what, even not from my practice from one hand; anyway my proper emails not being resent as well as I am not from academics even not as self academic, as more I do mot master Anglophone languages. At last : I'm afraid that I would present all the characters that being considered here as "babies", so "little", so "small" by a way appearing that it would not be possible to think or Anglophone even being myself a thing but not a system. I have discovered a sort of integrated xenophobia or corporatism (or political line masked by corporatism that you can call of a part tribute to academic) that I could not imagine, as old I am as I cannot see before in the side of activism. More impossible to exist in a margin of the community that is exactly the question of "otherness", of the welcome "other" as common human of political exchange in critical fields. My own regard in matter of critical theory (and of the criticism of representative theory nowadays) is all on the other. (but anyone can have other choice, I can respect it if it does not disallow me to exist ? a radical or critical theory in Politics by these days could be contained inside of a really simply ( short ) sentence : by this way I mean of RSS both senses of the feed. Regarding the hard rock answer from any one to Geert about the unpossible claiming of nettime foundation it stays that I want to notice from my part that this foundation is exactly the abstract purpose to inform the future subscribers of the list in both and relative to each other abstracts: " <nettime> is not just a mailing list but an effort to formulate an international, networked discourse that neither promotes a dominant euphoria (to sell products) nor continues the cynical pessimism, spread by journalists and intellectuals in the 'old' media who generalize about 'new' media with no clear understanding of their communication aspects. we have produced, and will continue to produce books, readers, and web sites in various languages so an 'immanent' net critique will circulate both on- and offline. <nettime> is slightly moderated. history: the formation of the nettime group goes back to spring 1995. A first meeting called <nettime> was organized in june 1995, at the Venice Bienale, as a part of the Club Berlin event. The list itself took off in the fall. A first compilation on paper appeared in January 1996, at the second Next Five Minutes events (the so-called ZKP series). The list organized its own conference in Ljubljana in May 1997, called 'The Beauty and the East'. A 556 pages nettime anthology came out in 1999: Readme! Ascii Culture and the Revenge of Knowledge. Autonomedia: New York (ISBN: 1570270899). " ===> what stays of it right now? while people were/(are still?) following to subscribe believing this multi dialectical symbolic typo-arborescence integrating life, technology, hypermedia, social utopia, history, and Arts, the opening of the world through the opening of the sources, through progressive nettime installation since 1995 till 1999? just clicking "info" of "nettime-l" at http://www.nettime.org/ http://www.nettime.org/info.html Of which academism or theory are you discussing or power linked to reductionism view whatever being the fields you moderate? But certainly not from the point of view of the changing time. It is a new morning, that one of the security and current war as mean instead of politics and critical political economy. They are the mean of the global power itself to destroy all other reality. Taking the same weapons as virtual solution of the critical ideas and practices it cannot be the good solution under my view. But the changing time as reflecting subject of the common. What have changed since 1999? Web, society, political power, education, emigration and so on... As global as singular or local? But please not denying of this history or you will never know of your own memory while you abusively pretend to hold it to the largest common tribute. >From this point of view, I think that Geert's provocation on closing the list to have it reborning from this new time, it is really interesting as logical activist attitude happening in real time of the mails against misunderstanding and mortification. It is a defy to be able in telling or analyzing of the changes: web transformations, global and local multi dialectical security, political, social and cultural environments, objectives, subjects, codes, means... Even connection / disconnection. And more of the public archives regarding the new laws of copyright facing the quote and facing spam that is quite a new situation ( all different was the time of having to open web information to the largest web ). May be not of a real conclusion of the list but a real mean to keep it safe from all its external and internal enclosures. The question of the death of the list it is not of the decision to close it ( even it would be or not be closed at last ) it is of the end as living solution to create again ( the same as musics front of the repetitive rythmics which get it progressing, there is a moment where the composition has to finish with the rythm to have the form of the end as event, then everything is ready to the next creation ). Re borning situation of creating among the others is not a death, this is life. The end of meta culture at the moment the risk is that becoming meta meta culture it would have lost all its critical social roots to an exclusive event of abstracted power ( that would be a no event ;-) it is a not the death of the things, all the contrary. Can be re borning from itself in the same place and under the same address or not, whatever the browser to support it. I # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: majordomo@bbs.thing.net and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: http://www.nettime.org contact: nettime@bbs.thing.net