brian carroll on Sat, 14 Jul 2001 23:34:07 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] Re: <nettime> internetontology[ Diderot, Cyc, Deleuze, McLuhan,and Star Trek ]

  Josh, to be succinct:

  mathematics are by default authoritarian, in that
  numbers are beyond question.

  language, and reason, need to be able to speak to,
  and argue against, and mold these numbers to human

  numbers, statistics, being universalized in science,
  have no equivalent universality in langauge. whyso?

  private identities, pyschologies, nothing is shared
  and words are only seen for difference, as there is
  believed to be no absolute in the word (unless it is
  God, it seems).

  in any case, without universal language to reason
  with universal mathematics, and those whom have the
  Power to use the nubmers to make the world in their
  imaginary vantages, then we are helpless, as a common
  bunch of weird beings, not trekkers with pointy ears
  but a sad sack of human beings that cannot even talk
  for themselves yet as a group, they are so confused.

  we know there are 5 billion plus people on Earth, say.
  we know that the Earth is a planet that is rapidly
  detoirating. but, if as 5 billion we cannot speak,
  we cannot effect change on that scale. we can only
  speak as groups of one, or fifty, or several million.
  often cacophonic.

  simplely put, without a mathematics of language, the
  language of mathematics will guide our future, and
  science, without human objectivity, will guide us
  with private numerologies of what is, such as having
  "good science" as the opponent to the Kyoto protocol
  uses for 'his' reasoning (sic) in a private worldview.

  that's that.

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